Friday, May 28, 2010

I've decided to simplify

Yesterday, I took a long hard look at all of my supplies and tools and realized that I really have more than I need. So, yesterday, I decided to start this and listed my first tool that I hadn't used for months. I really only used a couple of times to start with - that seemed a prime candidate for started this process.

So, I took the plunge and listed my Pepe disk cutter on ebay, hoping that I would be able to sell it at a reasonable price. Well, I was surprised! I put it in for 10 days thinking that it would take that long to get a good price, but after one day I already had 5 bids and the price is near my reserve price. At this rate, I may sell more of my non-essential stock.

If you are interested, take a look at: Disk Cutter. I put it at a very good price, so if you are interested - go and get it.

Well, that all for now. See you later. I have got to start remembering to come here more often and let you know what is going on.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing right thing. It’s best to reduce the non-essential goods. Those who need them can get it from you at reasonable price. I visited your disk cutter link and find it quite nice. I also want to be part of this bid.
